买世界杯app推荐 战略计划 2022-2027
(2022-2027战略计划- PDF)
买世界杯app推荐 will be a nationally recognized academic institution that transforms lives, 组织, 通过卓越来建立社区, 创新, 和合作伙伴.
买世界杯app推荐, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, is a public postsecondary academic institution that builds a skilled workforce and economically stronger communities through high-quality, 创新, 以及负担得起的职业晋升证书.
买世界杯app推荐 serves the constituents of the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) by offering robust 学生支持 services and academic programs on campus and virtually through the delivery of associate degrees, 文凭, 以及技术信用证书. The College also provides on campus and virtual learning for adult education and workforce training (经济发展) to foster individuals' lifelong learning pursuits and business growth within the CSRA region.
- 卓越
- 包容
- 创新
- 完整性
- 责任
Strategic Priority I - Student Success with an Equity Focus
Enhance academic programming to be recognized at the regional, 状态, 以及国家级的卓越水平.
Strategic Priority II - Organizational Culture
Build organizational excellence through the growth and 发展 of faculty, 工作人员, 和学生.
Strategic Priority III - Engaging Learning Environments
Build and modernize campuses, 设施, 收集空间, 理由, 技术, 和基础设施.
Strategic Priority IV - Institutional Storytelling
Enhance institutional branding, messaging, and reputation via storytelling.
扩大学术, 社区, and industry partnerships to support recruitment, 发展和学生实习.
- Strategic Priority I - Enhance academic programming to be recognized at the regional, 状态, 以及国家级的卓越水平.
- Improve completion rates for all students utilizing TCSG and national benchmark data.
- Develop 创新, market driven credit and non-credit programs of study.
- Develop a comprehensive, branded, nationally recognized transfer pathway program for students.
- Strategic Priority II - Build organizational excellence through the growth and 发展 of faculty, 工作人员, 和学生.
- Build a more diverse and equitable workforce.
- Create strong professional 发展 programs for faculty and 工作人员.
- Develop recognition and reward programs for faculty and 工作人员.
- Create a more engaging and inviting campus life experience for students.
- Strategic Priority III - Build and modernize campuses, 设施, 收集空间, 理由, 技术, 和基础设施.
- Develop a comprehensive and aspirational campus master plan.
- Develop nationally recognized 设施 while updating and modernizing current buildings, 设备, 理由, 以及各个校园的参赛作品.
- Accelerate digital transformation to enhance culture, processes, and experiences.
- Develop strategic themes and appropriate local programming for each satellite campus.
- Strategic Priority IV - Enhance Institutional branding, messaging, and reputation via storytelling.
- Embark on college rebrand and strategic marketing to influence perceptions.
- 建立全面的外部 & 内部营销和沟通计划.
- Engage the ATC Foundation to promote and grow resources to support student success.
- 战略重点五——拓展学术, 社区 and industry partnerships to support recruitment, 发展, 学生实习.
- Strengthen existing and develop new pathways for students access with local school districts, 戈登堡, 非营利组织, 政府, 商业和工业.
- Expand 社区 partnerships and 社区 partner recognition program(s) to celebrate strategic partners.
- Enhance 经济发展 impact in the region through corporate and 社区 education.